Instructions for use Exodermin

The cream has an extensive list of applications for all types of fungi. The cream in a convenient bottle is easily applied to the skin.

How to use Exodermin

To achieve the effect and protect your health, you must first learn to use Exodermin cream according to the instructions.

Damaged skin should be cleaned with disinfectant as much as possible before use. Apply Exodermin cream at least twice a day. For example, if you have a damaged nail, you need to apply the cream to the adjacent areas around the nail and adjacent nails.

Treatment should be continued for at least 2 weeks until all symptoms have disappeared. If necessary, you can continue treatment for up to 4 months.

Instructions for use

changes in the color and structure of the nail

Under what conditions should Exodermin be used?

  1. Changes in the color and structure of the nail.
  2. Appearance of redness and peeling.
  3. Appearance of cracks and roughness of the skin.
  4. Thickening of the skin.
  5. Itching and discomfort.
  6. Pain while walking.


Do not apply the cream to pregnant and lactating women, children under 3 years of age, people with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Avoid applying the cream to the eyes and open wounds. In case of contact, rinse with cold running water.

How quickly do the results appear?

Day 1: Itching and peeling of the skin disappears, sweating and unpleasant odor are reduced.

Day 7: Cracks in the folds of the legs begin to heal.

Day 14: The nails get a healthy look, the nail plate becomes stronger.

The course of application for 1-3 months guarantees complete healing of damaged skin areas. You can buy in the Czech Republic